The SOLApp is growing and growing and even due to Corona having SOLA only „half the way“ running, we will reach the 100.000th login within the next few days 🙂
The first official module extending the core function of the SOLApp will be a Library Module. Our school library has an (really old-fashioned) software running to manage their books. This software stores alle its information in an Access database.
This new library module will provide the possibility for our pupils and colleagues to search for titles, for the names of authors and so on. So a full text search has to be implemented in the SOLApp. Which one?
Well, Laravel Scout supports MeiliSerach, an open source restful-api high-performance… well yes; my two development computers are running windows, and so I tried to get MeiliSearch running unter windows:
- Install the Build Tools for Visual Studio:
- Important: After downloading and executing the installer above, select the C++ Buildtools and install them! It will download another 1,59 GB from the internet. Then you have to restart your computer.
- Install the Rust Toolchain:
- If you want to have MeiliSearch installed in d:\meilisearch, go to d:\
- Download it
git clone
- cd into the directory
cd MeiliSearch
- Update and compile meilisearch. Compiling takes a bit longer the first time 🙂
# Update the rust toolchain to the latest version
rustup update
# Compile the project
cargo build --release
- to start, cd into the directory /target/release
- start meilisearch with „.\meilisearch“ (left screenshot)
- dev computer 1: As I don’t have 100 GiB space, meilisearch throws an error (left screenshot)
- dec computer 2: (right screenshot) Check! Startet with „.\meilisearch –master-key hugo1313“
- dev computer 1: So I have to provide two parameters for decreasing the max database size, and another one for setting the master key
And then, meilisearch starts 🙂
Next step will be installing Laravel Scout and implementing MeiliSearch – that will be the next post 🙂